Oct 2, 2023

Double Trouble: Mixing Direct Mail with Email Marketing, the Jumbo Way!

Double Trouble: Mixing Direct Mail with Email Marketing, the Jumbo Way!

Hey there, hustlers! Jumbo Mail is in the house, and today, we're diving into the ultimate marketing combo – direct mail and email marketing. Yup, you heard me right. We'll show you how to blend these two, like peanut butter and jelly. So, buckle up and get ready for some wild marketing synergy!

1. The "Teaser and Deliver" Approach

Picture this: You send out a snazzy postcard with a teaser about an exclusive offer, but the full scoop is waiting in their inbox. It's like sending them on a treasure hunt for a golden email! Make 'em feel like VIPs who just stumbled upon a hidden treasure map.

2. The Double-Whammy Discount

Who doesn't love discounts? Send your customers a snail mail coupon with a unique code. When they redeem it online, bam! You hit 'em with a follow-up email. Double the discount, double the love!

3. The Nostalgia Play

Remember the days when you'd rush to the mailbox to find a letter from a pen pal? Channel that nostalgia by sending a handwritten thank-you note via direct mail after they make an online purchase. It's a delightful surprise that leaves a lasting impression.

4. The Exclusive Insider's Club

Create an exclusive club for your most loyal customers. Send them a fancy direct mail invitation with a secret code that grants access to exclusive deals, content, or events. Keep them engaged and excited with regular email updates.

5. The Unboxing Experience

E-commerce pros know the thrill of unboxing. Elevate it by sending a personalized direct mail piece as part of the package. And don't forget to ask for their email so you can stay in touch for future goodies.

6. The Interactive Combo

Mix direct mail with interactive online elements. For instance, send a direct mail postcard with a QR code leading to a fun online game or quiz. Keep 'em engaged and entertained!

7. The "Miss You" Reminder

If a customer hasn't engaged with your emails for a while, why not send a direct mail postcard saying, "We miss you!" Offer a sweet incentive to lure them back into your email marketing fold.

8. The Birthday Bash

Remembering a customer's birthday is pure gold. Send them a heartfelt birthday card in the mail, and follow up with a personalized email offering them a special birthday treat. They'll feel like royalty on their big day.

9. The Re-Engagement Rescue

If a subscriber hasn't opened your emails in ages, try a direct mail re-engagement campaign. Send a clever postcard that piques their interest and lures them back to your email list.

10. The "Thank You" Double Tap

After a successful purchase, thank your customer with a direct mail thank-you card. Then, follow up with an email that requests their feedback or offers them a referral bonus. It's all about building relationships!

Remember, folks, the key here is synergy. Direct mail and email marketing can be like a dynamic duo, working together to engage, surprise, and delight your customers. So, embrace the old-school charm of snail mail and the lightning speed of email to create unforgettable marketing experiences. It's a Jumbo Mailer's paradise waiting to be explored! Double trouble? It's more like double the fun and double the success!